
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Day 1: A Picture and 15 Facts

Let me preface this post by saying that these facts are very random, because A) I wanted this post to be interesting & B) coming up with 15 facts that everyone doesn't already know is difficult! So here goes it...

1. I love to color more than the average person.

2. I really really really like crunching leaves. I will even go out of my way if I see an exceptionally crunchy looking leaf that has been overlooked by other passers-by.

3. I HATE feet. I don't really know when this even started, but over the years I have developed a somewhat irrational hatred for feet. My own feet don't bother me, and shoes don't really bother me, but for some reason bare feet really freak me out. So I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't bring yours anywhere near me.

4. I was in a movie {Facing the Giants}. If you haven't seen it, go watch. I was a cheerleader.

5. I have insanely strong fingernails {I did warn you that this list was random}. My nails are so strong that I once broke a pair of nail clippers while I was trying to trim them.

6. I love scarves and will wear them year-round, no matter what anyone says.

7. I have the memory of a goldfish and the attention span of a 2 year old. Which is why it is taking me entirely too long to write this post.

8. I have my own pair of ice skates! Now, I know what you're thinking- When are you ever going to use them. Well, see, that's not the point. I love white ice skates and figure skating in general, and when given the opportunity to purchase my own pair for a measly $20 I jumped right on it.

9.  I take pictures. As if you hadn't already gathered that from this blog.

10. My mom, sister, and I have the same birthmark on our foreheads. It's not as noticeable now as it was when I was younger, I bet some of you didn't even know it was there.

11. I've been told that I'm really a black man. Do with that information what you will.

12. I can name all of the U.S. Presidents in under 30 seconds.

13. I have never broken a bone. I've been close on a couple of occasions, but not a single bone in my body has ever even had a hairline fracture.

14. I sing every song I know. Out loud. I hardly ever take into consideration where I am or who can hear me, and I often break out into my own dance moves.

15. I have Bieber Fever and I'm not in the least bit ashamed. His movie, Never Say Never, sealed this realization for me, I even re-followed him on Twitter. I know, that's huge.

Well, there you have, a little snippet of who I am. I promise the next posts won't take as long for me to crank out. As I stated, I am highly prone to distractions....

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